Pitching guidelines

Sextras Magazine is always looking for diverse, sex-positive, and feminist Gen Z perspectives that explore the personal and cultural experiences of sex, relationships, and wellness.

Pitch us your first-person stories about your experiences with sex and forming relationships, or longer reported features on the wider implications of sexual politics and navigating our bodies in the world. 

(Unfortunately, this opportunity is currently unpaid.)

Pitch us:

  • personal stories (can be first-person or as told to) about experiences with sex, relationships, and wellness that haven’t been covered elsewhere or that you think should be spoken about 

  • investigations into how legislation changes around the world impact women and queer folks’ sexual and bodily rights (first-person led)

  • informative guides on sex positions, kinks, masturbation, foreplay
    and using sex toys

  • innovations in sex toy industry or femtech 

  • deep-dives into trends online, in pop culture, or just out in the wild
    (as a general rule, three examples make a trend!)

  • untold aspects of LGBTQIA+ and women’s histories 

  • profiles of people making waves in the world of sex, relationships and wellness

Our content is:

  • reader-led, interacting with what people are going through 

  • informative: encourages self-reflection and continuous learning

  • diverse and inclusive

  • pleasure and sex-positive: aims to normalise the full spectrum of human sexuality

  • a blend of personal and expert - we are not the experts so we need to draw on the advice of those who know best

All pitches and submissions should be sent to sextrasmag@gmail.com 

  • We prefer pitches in the body of the email

  • Please use a clear and concise subject line when submitting your pitch. (PITCH : your headline/subject here) and include what section you will be writing for

  • A relevant, timely hook is preferable, but evergreen content related to Sextras topics is also admissible

  • Include your name, contact information, and a brief bio in your submission, as well as your expected deadline

Section guidelines


A voyage into the current reality of human sexuality, reflecting the full spectrum of readers’ sexual experiences as they happen, from the joys to the atrocities. Offer tips, answer questions, and solve dilemmas to encourage readers to lead the best sex lives possible.

  • Personal essays about your sexual experiences, good and bad 

    • eg. if you’ve tried something new and discovered you like it (or not), what you learnt about yourself at a sex party or having sex outside for the first time

  • Informative guides and how-tos on sex positions, kinks, masturbation, foreplay and using sex toys

  • Well-researched, fact-checked deep dives into trends in the world of sex: what are people saying online or ask your friends what’s going on in their sex lives (as a general rule, three examples make a trend) 

    • eg. why is everyone going to sex parties? Or what’s the psychology behind a newly popular kink?

  • Answer dilemmas you’ve heard people talking about

    • eg. how do you react if your partner can’t orgasm? how do you talk to your partner about sex? 


An insight into the intricacies of modern relationships, from friendships, to the horrors of online dating, fuck buddies, situationships, and even the occasional long term partner (if you’re lucky!). 

We’ve also got some recurring formats that you can send our way if you think you’ve got a good story that fits. 

  • Share personal experiences, both positive and challenging

  • Offer advice on maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships, such as how to deal with arguments or set boundaries

  • Unpack emerging trends (like why is everyone breaking up right now?) with the help of a few relationship experts


An analysis of the broader cultural and historical context of sexuality today. Discuss how sexuality and politics intersect as part of a broader picture of the culture of sex, love and dating. Shine light on diverse and untold stories past and present, including how changes in legislation and cultural discourse relating to sex affects individuals around the world. Celebrate individuals who are creating change.

  • Delve into the history of sex and relationships, giving voice to the stories that have been erased or forgotten

    • eg. “The unwritten history of butt plugs”, or “The Rebel Dykes and how they opened the first BDSM lesbian bar”

  • Look at the personal impact of news (changing legislation and current events) on sexual minorities through a queer, sex-positive and feminist lens, eg. “Roe vs Wade: living without abortion rights a year on”

  • Consider cultural discourse around sex and relationships, asking thought-provoking questions of recurring themes in fictional dramas, to the toxic dynamic of reality TV. Encourage readers to consume pop culture with a fresh perspective, eg. “What sex education got wrong about pegging” 

  • Share what you’re reading and watching that relates to our content and could be controversial, relatable or important

    • eg. “10 films that best represent the bisexual experience” or “Why ‘It’s a Sin’ was a long time coming”


A dive into the physical, mystical, and mental aspects of sexuality. Cover developments in healthcare, sexual health, and new treatments for things like PCOS, endometriosis, vaginismus and STIs, focusing on the personal impacts of these/ lack of these.

Investigate the relationship between mental health and sexuality, and speak to astrologers, mystics and energy healers about the links between spirituality and wellness.

  • Sensitive pieces that delve into the intersection of mental health and sexuality, whether it’s expert advice or personal experience

  • Personal essays or advice on sexual health - from how your STI diagnosis impacted you to your journey finding the right contraception, or medical advice for long-term diseases, de-stigmatising sexual illnesses

  • Shine light on changes in women’s and LGBTQIA+ health and investigations into how this impacts women first-hand.

    • Eg. new treatments for things such as endometriosis, or HRT shortages

  • First- person or well-researched reported features about trans healthcare eg. the unforgivable lack of treatment centers/ long waiting lists

  • Guides on how to look after your body and sexual health eg “5 things they don’t teach you about sexual pleasure in school”